creating a light bulb in blender – project files
this video is aimed at teaching you the basics of blender from polygon modeling, uv unwrapping, texturing and setting up materials
how to make an edison screw bulb in blender – steps:

- add a circle mesh
- split it in half and rotate one side of it to turn it into a screw
- duplicate the screw in the z axis
- merge any vertices you have
- convert the curve mesh to a curve object
- add thickness using the bevel tool
- duplicate and mirror the curve on the x and y axis
how to make an emissive florescent material in blender

- you need 3 shaders ,principle bsdf, emission and translucent
- you need a mask for florescent effect, we shall use a layer weight with the facing output
- you can mix the principled bsdf with the translucent and use the layer weight mask as the factor to make the tube look florescent, you can also use some shininess with the roughness option in the principled bsdf
- then mix the resulting shader with the emission, again use the layer weight facing output as the factor for the mix shader node
- if you are using eevee you can also turn on bloom to make this glow
A lot of times you will want to recreate something from the real-world, especially if you want to make environments or architecture, the addon Perspective Plotter lets you align or camera match the original camera with your 3d view/camera in a matter of a few clicks as demonstrated below.
get it and speed up your work flow 10 folds.

the project files to the project are also downloadable here