inspiration motion graphics works to check out
Recently, I have been delving into the world of motion graphics extensively, and it’s not just for fun. With the looming threat of AI taking over our jobs, it’s crucial for us to adapt and make the necessary adjustments so that we aren’t adversely affected in the future. Motion graphics is a field that demands a great deal of creative control and art direction, which I believe AI will find challenging to master. In my quest to find a more secure niche within the art industry, I find myself gravitating towards this field. I’ve always been intrigued by motion graphics in Blender, but I’ve always found myself procrastinating until now.
Below are some examples of inspiring motion graphics works that have captured my attention.
The Nothing phone:
this is a personal project by Alisher AKhmedov, its really an impressive piece of work, especially considering its not even client work.
The Sparkies
Looking for the planet delicious plan
this image inspired me to make this tutorial