Blender assistive Modeling Addons
blender has some of the best modeling tools in the industry but they can even be better, these assistive addons bring new functionality and turn modeling in blender into a much easier process that you can ever imagine for example
Projection Modeling

this projection modeling tool can create 3d models from 2d projections, you just use curves or simple meshes to create silhouettes or shapes that make the overrall object and the addon will do the rest, filling in the middle detail. you can create complicated models using different cutouts from different projection angles, you can add and subtract cutouts, something that would be impossible with ordinary blender tools.
Friendly Pivot For Blender

when modeling you use your transform tool or gizmo more than any other tool, you use it to extrude, move faces and vertices, rotate meshs and more, but the orientation of the gizmo is equally as important as the tool its self as it directs where the transformation is facing or moving, blenders orientation tools are few and limited, this friendly pivot addons brings new features to help you orient and move your gizmo more efficiently. the friendly pivot is not only limited to meshes but works on curves and bones too.
Hardops 00987: Francium

hardops is one of the best hardsurface modeling tool for blender, its also a non destructive process, meaning you can change any details you want on the fly, you can use it in object mode, edit, sculpt and sketch mode. this is the perfect addon for making any hardsurface objects like robots, mechanical models and more.
Blender Inflate Addon – Generate Dynamic Cloth Panels

some detail is harder to model, like cloth and fabric, you either have to sculpt it or simulate it, sculpting takes too much time and simulating also takes alot of time to setup, this blender inflate addon uses cloth simulation but saves you the setting up process, all you have to do is select the part you want to turn to cloth, and the addon will do the rest for you, its really great for detailing scifi interiors and more.
Curve Basher

if you want to add wire detail on your models, dont skip this addon, you just click two points on any surface and wires will be connected between them, you can control the length of the curve, width, type and more, the perfect addon for hardsurface detailing.

this is the best type of modeling tool for buildings and houses, your only job is to decide on the shape of the building, the addon handles the rest, it will add windows, doors, roofs and any other small details you expect on the building, plus it will add the materials and textures all on the fly, and you can still change the shape and style of the building at any time.
Bp Geogen Ultimate Generators Bundle

if you liked auto-building because it allows you to model just the basic stuff and it does the rest, then you will love bp geogen which takes this a step further giving you a bunch of generators that you can drag and drop onto any model and it will turn into a number of things like a planet, slime, vegetation, scales, spaceship and more.
Blooming Flowers – Geo Nodes Curve Asset Pack

sometimes the best modeling tools are the ones where you dont model anything at all, this library is a pack of blooming flowers that are fully animated with geometry nodes, there is also a full tutorial to show you how you can make one your self, but if you are lazy like me, there is enough cherry blossoms, jasmine, lavender, orange blossoms, orchids, plumeria, roses and violets in this pack than i will ever need.
Boxcutter 7.1.9 : Seax

if you want to be taken seriously as a professional hardsurface artist, get boxcutter, it will help you deliver high detailed models in less time than your traditional tools, its also a non destructive tool so if your clients require minor changes, you can deliver them with just a few undos without undoing everything you have done to that point.
Procedural Building Generator 2

here is another amazing building generator, it comes with a number of templates for buildings, including modern design, classic, medieval and wooden design buildings, you just drag the template onto any mesh and it will become a fully detailed building saving you hundreds of hours in modeling and texturing.
Real Damage – Realistic Internal Damage

every detail on your model has to be added somehow and modeling it directly is the slowest and least efficient way to add detail to models, this real damage addon just adds damage to any mesh you give it, and it also adds internal structure like rebar and wire mesh for extra realism.
Random Flow

random coherent and consistent detail is impossible to model unless you are willing to put in hundreds of hours, but why would you do that, when an addon like random flow can do it for you in less than a second, you select the part you want to add detail, and the addon does it, this is especially great for detailing ships, and scifi cities or structures.
Nanomesh Surface Detail Generator

if you want to add repeating mesh patterns onto any model, like a chain armor, cloth patterns and more quite easily, this nanomesh can do it, it comes with its own nano patterns but it will accept custom ones as well.
Curve Fluids – Generate Realtime Procedural Liquid Simulations

you can’t model water you either have to simulate it or use this curve fluids, its not going to give you the detail you get with simulating water directly but its also works in realtime, you can use it for product presentation, or just as a magic effect in your renders, the fluids support collisions and buoyancy.