procedural plant animation c4d vs blender

in this video i breakdown a cinema4d tutorial and use it to make a procedural plant animation in blender,c4d is known for its motion graphics capabilities so its unsurprising that there alot of tools used in the c4d version that blender does not have.
to be successful at recreating the animation i had to make my own python script that replicated the animation offset seen in the c4d tutorial, its a simple script but effective, it looks into a collection called leaves and iterates through the objects it finds there
looking for meshes with the modifier ‘MeshSequenceCache’ which is added to alembic imported objects, then adds an offset to the objects animation,
python script for offseting alembic animation, make sure the collection name is set to “leaves”
import bpy
import random
coll =['leaves']
offset = 10
if coll:
if coll.objects:
for index, obj in enumerate(coll.objects.values()):
if obj.modifiers:
if 'MeshSequenceCache' in obj.modifiers.keys():
mod = obj.modifiers['MeshSequenceCache']
if mod.cache_file.users >1:
mod.cache_file = mod.cache_file.copy()
mod.cache_file.frame_offset = index* (offset)