How Powerful geometry nodes has become

geometry nodes was introduced to blender around blender 3.8 and since then, it has turned heads of every artists using other applications like max or maya, which has prompted them to add there own node based system to stay competitive in this ever changing enviroment, in this video we are going to look at how powerful and versatile blender geometry nodes system has gotten.

Venom Formation Demo

starting off explore the complex node setup that allowed cartesian caramel to make this amazing venom transformation, marvel at this exception demonstration of the power of geometry nodes, and dive into the project that you can download for free.

One Click Realism – Humanify

its not only geometry nodes thats getting better, the quality of addons from the blender community has also jumped up, take a look at this new one click realism humanify addon, the blendify team brings the power and detail of daz3d to blender, the humanify addon lets you create hyper realistic human models with exceptional detail and extreme realisms in one click, if you are a user of daz3d, you are going to love this, because you can import daz3d models in blender and use humaify shaders on them seamlessly.

Swinging Spiderman simulation

going back to geometry nodes, take alook at this satisfying spiderman inspired animation, the character can swing from one building to the other throwing webs that have rope like physics animation and the character has ragdoll like physics all done in geometrynodes with procedural animation, something that would have been impossible to do just a year ago, before the addition of the simulation zone, now lets just hope they add a for loop to this and finally we can give houdini a run for its money

Anime rain generator

if you still doubt the power and userbillity of geometry nodes, here are a few use cases, when making his anime shot, birdchen opted to use geometry nodes instead of the particle system for its procedural nature and directability, in his setup, you can just draw on objects using curves, and rain splashes will be added, simulating heavy rain effects without any advanced heavy calculations happening.

Procedural stair

thats the beauty of geometry nodes, it can be a simple solution to a difficult problem, or a complex solution for a complex problem like making procedural steps, this procedural tool lets you extrude steps platforms out of simple mesh faces. what’s more amazing about this is that the materials, textures are all setup on the fly, lining up everything, breaking up any repetition that may arise, making something like this takes hours and hours but once setup, its satisfying to see how perfectly everything works.

Stylized root generator

you would think, stylized art being one of the most difficult art style to master would be harder to make in a procedural way using geometry nodes, but here Andra shows us with a simple draw of a curve you can generate procedural stylized roots, that look detailed with grass, mashrooms and properly textured, if you want to learn geometry nodes there free tutorial on how to make this exact generator would be a great area to start,

Divine Cut | Smart Cloth Generator

software should be a tool to help you archieve your vission, everytime you open up an application like blender it shouldn’t take you hours and hours of trial and error to archieve what you want, if you want to design clothes for your characters it should be as easy as this smart cloth generator makes it, it simplifies a process that used to be difficult into an easy one, allowing you to add details like stiches, sims, buttons and more with just a few clicks.

Mix Damage – 24 Procedural Destructions, Materials

geometry nodes has also breathed new life into addons, powering addons like this mix damage addon, that you can use to add multiple layers of damage to your objects with a great level of realism.

How to make customizable meshes

today creative art is not just about creating the final art piece but about creating reusable recycable assets that you can share with other artists, if you want to learn how you can create customizable models vertex arcade has a whole video showing you how to do it.

Adjustable Mannequin V1.2 – Blender 4.0+

and also has a collection of adjustable mannequins for artists who want to create models but dont want to start from scrutch, these mannequins can be sculpted, edited to be transformed into your own designs, you can change the head style, shoulders, neck, arms, breasts, torsos and alot more.

Blender 4 Stone Geometry Node With Live Uv Automatic Unwrapping

another great demostration of the power of geometry nodes is a procedural generator by 3d tudor, with this generator you can create stone and rock geometry with just afew sliders, this can be used to make medieval bridges, foot path and more.

Terrain Mixer (Blender 4.1)

while geometry nodes is very powerful, its not the most powerful tool in blender, that hat goes to the blender python api or bpy which gives you access to almost every function, tool, panel, button and operator in blender, this also gives you access to geometry nodes via code, hence making addons like this terrain mixer possible, with this addon you can make any type of terrain and add as much detail as you want, from snow capes, rock formation, vegetation, rivers, craters and more.

Zen uv

you can make complex models and shapes by using simple modeling tricks in blender, if you do this with zen uv, then you wont have to worry about how complex the uv unwrapping process is going to be, zen uv can setup automatic uvs, relax uvs, has a trimsheet system and alot of features that let you simplify uv unwrapping.

here are more amazing geometry nodes demos from the community,

paint simulation

ever wonder how you could do a paint fluid simulation using geometry nodes, Btoons was able to do exactly that, in realtime with a controller that you can use to spray paint everywhere.

softbody simulation

blender has a softbody solver but its too slow and gives you no control over your simulation, here xeofrois make a better softbody solver that also supports cloth simulation inside geometry nodes.

tetris in blender

around blender 2.8 the blender game engine was killed off, but that has not stopped artists from using blender as a game engine here again xeofrois plays a game of tetris in the blender viewport powered by geometry nodes,


he also created a playable minesweeper game inside using geometry nodes

particle velocity

if that does not excite you enough how about millions of particles simulated with collision and particle velocity inside geometry nodes by cartesian caramel

Node Charts: Info Graphs For Blender Using Geometry Nodes

if you are doing a presentation, consider trying this info graphs generator that comes with different templates to visualize data in different formats.

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