Adobe F*** creators yet again

who ever owns Adobe knows how to piss of creators, not once have they made an update to there terms of service and it favored the creator in any way. and there latest terms of service update is just giving creators and middle finger and asking them what are you going to do about it.

but they got there answer, a number of creators after reading this had alot to say about it, some going as far as unsubscribing to creative cloud.

so what is this fucked up update you ask, well its being called the spyware update, and there is no way around it, adobe will only allow you to use there products if you agree to these new terms of service, they block your access with a popup showing you the new terms that you have to agree to before you can continue.

the prompt window just list the new terms which include , clarified that we may access your content through both automated and manual methods, such a for content review under sections 2.2 and 4.1.

obviously this is mostly to train there ai, so if you are a large studio working on a project but using photoshop to make sketches or illustrator or substance painter, dont be surprised if you start to see your work on the internet before you release it, because they can use the work in anyway they want, modify it slightly or not at all, sell any derivatives of the work basically you are handing over your copyrights for free just like that.

they can also delete your content for inactive accounts though they dont say what qualifies as an inactive account.

and they have reduced there disputes period from 60 to 30 days according to section 14.1, then you get this last line here

by closing this window, you will be unable to continues using adobe apps and services. by clicking accept and continue you agree that you have read and accepted the terms of use.

what a time to be alive.

as you would expect people rushed to to let adobe know how fucked up this is, because what else can you do contact adobe support, not before you accept the terms of services, and users are also finding it impossible to uninstall adobe products without accepting terms and services

this is an on going discussion between the creators and adobe, but i find it less a discussion since they already made up there minds and likely not going to change it, but still the discussion is still going on and as a creator even those who dont use adobe products this is something you have to watch out for, because all the other companies can simply just adopt the same terms of services if there is no backlash.

Don’t new exciting staff !

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