new week, new tasks and new blender addons to help you achieve more quickly and easily, today lets take a look at some brand new addons that are making waves in the blender community, from new practicle vdbs, scatter tools, node organizers and more

Vdb Forge – Smoke & Dust

to start off, here is a vdb collection of over 100 VDB’s that have practical use, there a alot of vdb collections out there, this i have found to be the most practice collection of them, you have a vdb for almost every scenario, like a spaceship immerging from the clouds, a tire burnout, dust, smoke ejections, these could be used in a rocket launch scene, a helicopter landing or taking off dust sim, and looped simulations, for smoke trails and more, and they are very easy to use, you just drag and drop the sim on any object and you are good to go.

Blender Debris tool

then there is this debris tool, a quick way to add, rock pebbles, grass, debris to your scene in a realistic way, the tool uses your mesh as a guide to scatter particles, add larger particles close to the walls and fewer and smaller particles away from the walls as you would expect in the real world.

Assemble Geometry Nodes Tool

we also have an assemble tool, this is a great tool for motion graphics, creating special effects, or magic effects the tool lets you break apart and assemble back any object that is made out of multiple pieces like a fractured statue or a robot like iron man, all you need is the parts to be in a collection and then the tool will scatter them and reassemble them back.

Ghost Matter

most objects need more than one single shader or material to look realistic, the problem is it can be a nightmare to mix multiple materials, you end up with a chaotic messy nodes that are very difficult to understand, this addon fixes that by giving you different tools to help you with mixing different materials, the addon comes with its procedural masks that are based on the mesh, so you can create edge wear detail, dirt, curvature detail and more.

Node Organizer – Automatic Node Organization

as you have seen nodes, can become messy really fast, especially when you have more than 5 nodes in a setup, wires start crossing over each over, nodes get mixed up, and in no time you have a convoluted setup that is impossible to read, when you find your self here and you will find your self here do not worry there is an addon to fix your nodes, and that is the node organizer this is going to help you rearrange your nodes to make them more readable.


blender is quite limited in what you can do with text, not anymore thanks to this texttools addon, this addon brings more functionality, more text operators and animation presets for using text in blender. the tool also brings a new way to edit and animate blender in a way that was not possible before.

Procedural Thread Simulator

if you have wires, cables, chains in your scene, there is only one way to animate them, and that is with the procedural thread simulator, this comes with over 10 presets that are 100% procedural, you can just drag and drop them into your scene and work from there.

Rock Master Tools – Procedural Rocks

there are many places where you can download rocks to use in your projects, but sometimes you want a rock that looks a certain way or you want to turn some object you have in your scene in to a rock formation, rock master tools is an addon that includes all the necessary tools for creating rocks, allowing you to quickly and easily create unique rock models with materials.

Komikaze V2: Toon Shaders & Assets Pack

stylized art is one of the most popular genre of art, but there also several stylzes in the genre that can change the look and feel of your animation, if you want to experiment with different syles, the komikaze toon shaders and assets pack comes with several art styles you can tryout with ease.

Flaxtrax – Automated Camera Tracking

when you have fast moving footage to track in blender, flaxtrax is the best option you have, its easier to use, faster and more accurate than the built in blender motion tracking tool, the addon can easily add multiple tracking points to your scene which gives you are better solve than doing it manually, it also can continuously track longer clips than other tools.

True-Terrain 4.X

if you dont have a terrain generator if you still do it manually, i recommend you try out true terrain, this addon has been update several times and each update makes it faster, and gives your more options, true terrain comes with different presets that can act as a starting point and layer system that you can use to add extra detail over your terrain, the addon comes with 160 materials, 320 assets, 29 heightmaps, and 4 different types of water.

GN Traffic simulator

if you want to add lite or heavy traffic in your scene, this simple traffic simulator is a quick and easy way to do it, you just use the curve draw tool, to draw your roads, select the number of lanes you want and how much traffic you need, if you have a collection of cars you want to use, just add them as the car collection to see them on your roads.

Light Wrangler

if lighting gives you headache, light wrangler its the best tool to solve that, its a point and command addon as in where you click is where lights or reflections are added, this is an amazing way to create lighting especially for product animations.

Geo-Scatter 5.4

and lastly we have a geo-scatter which is not a new addon but a reminder that even older addons when kept updated are still as good as new, geo scatter comes with its own library of tree, plants and vegetations and is a perfect tool to scatter any sort of geometry you have.

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