New blender addons you probably missed

what an exciting week, we can take a moment to appreciate other things going on in the industry including a new version of houdini, that continues to widen its lead as the go to application for simulation with the introduction of mops, a new way of simulating everything, and the addition of cops which is an alternative to substance designer for creating procedural shaders, textures and materials using nodes, but enough about that, this week we also got some amazing new addons and updates which include an update to procedural crowds, a new procedural destruction addon, some amazing characters, a new layer based texturing addon that rivals substance painter, a new city generator and more, so lets dive in and take a look at these.

The City Generator

at number one we have a new city generator, i must admit this is the most detailed city generator i have seen, its amazing how much detail and control you can get from geometry nodes if it lands in the hands of a professional, and the city generator is a testimate to the power of geometry nodes, the installation is still the same as usual and using the addon is also intuitive, you extrude faces to create new city blocks, these will have everything from buildings, pavements, streets and roads connecting them to other blocks, you can scale these faces to get larger city blocks and you can also play with different parameters to change the density of the block and how tall the buildings in the selected block can be.

Geometry Nodes procedural city generator

i too made a procedural city generator, while mine is not as detailed and realistic as the previous one its lite and can be more dense and large, so if you want a larger city that your pc can render, this is a great alternative, you just draw the bounderies of the city and everything else will be added for you

Procedural destroyed building generator

i love cities, but mostly when they are destroyed and abandoned, you may want a clean city now but when you need an abandoned semi destroyed building, i got you covered, i made this destroyed building generator using geometry nodes and it is easy to use, there is no installation you just copy the building object and paste it in your scene, better yet if you also have my asset library addon you can add this building generator once in your library and when you want to use it, it will be as easy as searching for its name in the asset library addon, the damage is already added to the building but you can adjust it to have more damage or less, add more floors, or increase the building footprint, if you want some ivy growth that is something you can add too, debris, exposed rebar and more enjoy.

Blender Debris tool geometry nodes

if you are making a post apocalypse scene, i swear you are going to need this next tool, be cause you are going to need more debris than you need, this tool lets you scatter debris or rocks close to walls as that is what is expected, when debris or chuncks fall off of a wall, they fall closer, replicate this behavior using this debris tool, it also lets you add grass in corner areas and other things

Ravage – Layer Based Texturing

there has been several attempts at making a cheaper or free substance painter alternative that works directly in blender, the closest to it was armopaint but its a standalone application at 19$, if you want it for free you will have to build it your self from github. if thats alot of trouble for you, take a look at ravage a layer based texturing addon that works like substance painter and works directly in blenders viewport, what amazing about this is that it comes with its own set of materials that you can use as a starting point, the addon is also fully capable of generating masks that you can use to mix and blend different materials together, saving you the hustle of figiting with tangled nodes, as you know texturing is more powerful if you have detailed maps to work with, so like substance painter, this addon also bakes texture maps that are used in processing material masks, you can also use these baking tools to export the texture maps to other applications.

Naturescapes: Procedural Biome Generators 

if you like procedural landscapes, you are going to love nature scapes pro, this is one of the best tools i have used for creating environments, you can just draw over surfaces and trees, grass, bushes basically a complete eco system is created for you, this also comes with some tools to help you generate a suitable environment for your biomes, forests or landscapes, these tools come with dynamic materials that change depending on the elevation or slope of your mesh assigning a suitable material for everything saving you alot of time, as an extra touch the addon comes with a wind function that lets you add realistic wind animation to the plants plus a roads function to easily add roads in your landscapes

Stylized Rigged Humans

now this one if for the men and women of culture, there many ways to make money from 3d and one of the most profitable ways is to profit from other peoples sins, if you know what i mean. if you dont this pack of stylized rigged humans is enough to know what am talking about, the pack comes with different characters with different body types including A,B and C, the characters are fully rigged and ready to use.

Stylized Terrain And Mountain Library Terra Paint

there are alot of realistic terrains out there, what we miss is a collection of stylized terrains, mountains and environment, if you are making a cartoon environment, anime or anything stylized, terra paint comes with over 500 terrain assets to choose from, it also comes with a fog shader, stylized clouds, plants, trees and vegetation

Dome Studio Light Hdr

HDRI images are texture maps that capture the sorrounding enviroment, capturing the skies, background, foreground and the ground, while these maps capture everything sorrounding them, most artists underutilize them, this addon, dome studio light hri, is an addon that makes full use of hdri maps by turning them into a dome objects to which the hdri is projected, so that you can use all sides of the hdri, including the ground

Procedural Crowds

the most popular crowd simulation addon on the market procedural crowds has been updated, this update offers a wide variety of crowds to fit any scene and bring your environment to life. it also brings a new way to control crowds, agent randomization, stadium agents and more than 50 unique modes with random clothing, skin tones and more.

Flock Generator

if you are making something realistic, give your environments the final realistic touch with this addon, flock generator, this is a collection of different bird species, animated with a flock system to animate them flying through your scene, these birds use a boids and other flying system to simulate a flock of birds in the sky or flying over a city.

Djh Strands: A Geonodes Library

Do you ever incorporate ropes, chains, wires, or other long, thin, and flexible objects into your scenes? If so, Strands is a GeoNode Asset Library designed specifically for your needs. This comprehensive library includes a collection of modular modifiers that make it easy to place curves in your scene. Whether you’re adding intricate details or transforming those curves into ropes, braids, or chains, Strands has you covered. The modifiers assist with everything from the initial placement to the final meshing, ensuring your flexible objects look realistic and cohesive within your scene. Enhance your projects with Strands and streamline the creation of detailed and dynamic elements.

IronMan 3 Assemble Geometry Nodes Tool

Finally to close out this list, lets look can the assemble tool, that will assemble any object that is made out of different pieces of geometry like a robot, house, statue and other things, you just make sure the pieces are in a collection, then let the tool use the collection, and it will reassemble the pieces for you.

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