20 free addons you should get

every now and then i go out to look for some new free amazing addons for you guys and i must say this week i found some amazing new gems that are going to live you salivating, am talking hardsurface tools, retopo tools, 3d printing addons and more.
Kit Ops 3 Free: Premiere Kitbashing Addon

starting with kit ops 3, for those who dont know about this amaazing addon already, kit ops is a kitbashing addon, and what is kitbashing you ask, well this is when you put together different premade assets to make something new and different, so kit ops, is a library of kitbash assets and also an addon with a set of tools that help you to create a non destructive workflow, with the help of booleans, material merging, modifiers and more, this new version is faster, has new assets and is compatible with other addons.
Blender Shortcuts

for those of you who are new to blender, allow me to introduce you to this amazing website that shows you all the blender shortcuts with a gif image of how the shortcut can be used, just amazing i wish i had something like this when i was new to blender, am sure it would have visited this site like 20 times a day.
PolyQuilt Retopology Tool [Fork]

alot of retopology tools are paid addons, well this is not, its actually one of those new fancy blender extensions, which you can install directly in blender if you go to the extensions page, its easy to use, you just create points on the surface of your model and those points can be turned into faces.
Effortless Custom Fence Builder

fences can be a great way to add detail and story to your renders, this developer is giving away free samples from there paid collection, these are geometry nodes setups, so you can even dive into the samples to reimagine them into your won creations.
3D Print Toolbox

blender is one of the most popular applications used in the 3d printing community for modeling, unfortunately to evaluate whether the model is ready to print, you have to use an external application for that, until now, this new free addon called 3d print toolbox is going to show you errors that could comeup and help you fix them with its array of tools.
Real-Time Explosion pngs

if you want realtime explosions, i got you, this giga chard of a dude did what i wished i thought of my self, he created explosion simulations, a process that takes hours and hours, rendered the exposions on transparent png images, that can be imported into blender, and they look perfect, well they wont look good if you try to do a 360 but if looked at directly, they look amazing.
Free Animated Vdb Pack

if you really want to do a 360 around your explosions, it will cost you some render time, but these free aniated vbs are detailed and ready to use in any projects you want, they are not going to render as fast as the pngs, but atleast you dont have to setup the smoke simulation and wait hours for it to bake. you are essentially hiting the ground running with this pack of animated vdbs.
Camera Plane

when working on movies they use a technique called set extension to add more detail into the shots, consider it photoshop for movies, this technique is so popular, you hardly find any movie that has not used it and finaly you can setup the same thing in blender using this free extension, the extension lets you import a number of images that it automatically aligns to the camera, each layer can have detail, and since they all have different distances from the camera, when the camera moves you will see some paralax,
Hdr Rotation

did you know hdris can be rotated to change the light direction in your scene, of course you do but how often do you do it, most people giveup because it takes several steps each time you want to rotate the hdri, well not anymore, if you install this addon its always going to be as easy as just dragging to the left or right like it should have been in the first place.
Sculpt Bridge Tool

here is a tool for sculptors, modellers basically anyone who wants to add interesting organic detail to your model, this too can be used to create muscles, bridge ropes, or even slime, its procedural you can adjust the size, sugging and more.
Quick Groups (Instances)

one of the most underrated tool in blender is instancing, especially group instancing, this is when you have an object that is made up of multiple objects, instead of duplicating everything individually or as a whole, you can create these things called instances, which on the surface look no different from other objects but underneath, ironically they are considered exactly the same, not duplicates, just exact copies that blender does not even use any extra computation power even when you have hundreds of them in your scene. this addon just makes it editing and making group instances easy.
Game Rig Tools (Blender Addon) – game-ready rigs in seconds

if you are a blender artist its likely you will venture into game dev, if you have not already done so, when you need to create animations for your game characters, addons like rigify or blendrig while they are great for animation they are not game ready rigs, on the other hands this addon will ensure that all your rigs are game engine ready so that you can easily animate in blender and use in game engines.
Free Theme Maker Addon

when i get burnedout, tired and exahuasted, i change my blender theme, to have more color and look alive, and this free theme maker is what keeps my mood up, going outside for a walk or taking a break is is for pussies.
Orient and Origin to Selected

being able to easly move objects or selected faces towards the direction they are facing should be a feature of blender and it is but its hidden behind along menu, this addon brings it to your finger tips.
Quick Attach | Transfer Weight

if you are rigging multiple things that need weight painting, weight paint one and transfer that information to the rest easily with the quick attach and transfer weight addon, you can also use it to attach tecturres to any mesh animated or static.
T3D GN Presets

there is no point doing everything from scratch, you wont get far, especially when using geometry nodes, there hundreds of things that you will have to do over and over that are always needed when creating procedural setups, if you are running into this issue and you will if you use geometry nodes, just invest in this GN preset, i mean its only 0$ to attain and you will have a collection of 70 commonly used node groups.
Noise Nodes

noise are one crutial tool for creating procedural materials and effects, blender comes with about 3 or 4, but there more out there that have made other applications like substance designer as powerful as it is, and this free extension brings them to blender for your convinience
and that my friend is just amazing, tools i my self am going to enjoy when making my art and hope you too can find them useful.