rigging and animating made super easy

rigging is one of the most challenging stages of making animation in any 3d application, a flawed rig will make animating a headache but making a good rig is also headace in itself, so whats the inbetween you ask?
let me introduce you to mixamo rigging, mixamo is a website owned and maintained by the evil friends from adobe, not so evil i guess.
Maximo is heavily used by indie game developers who don’t have a budget to create there own animation or setup there own rigs, its essentially a library of mocap data, for any sort of animation you may think of, from running, jumping, climbing and animation loops.
they also have a rigging tool where you can upload your own character and use there rigging tool to rig your character in a few seconds, and after this, now your character is setup to use all the animation loops in the Maximo library

Mixamo: https://www.mixamo.com/#/
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