All blender shortcuts in one video

you cant call your self a master of blender until you master its shortcuts, this video can be your guide, all shortcuts have been categorized depending on what you are doing, or what the shortcuts do.

Pie Menues

  1. . the period key opens the pivot point pie menu
  2. ~ the accent grave opens the Viewport Pie Menu
  3. , Comma opens the Axis Orientation Menu
  4. holding ctrl while pressing tab will give you a pie menu for all other modes of any selected object, for example if a mesh is selected, the pie menu will have 7 modes, including object, edit, scuplt, vertex paint, texture paint and weight paint, while if a curve is selected you will have only edit and object mode.
  5. Shift S opens the snap pie Menu
  6. Z opens the viewport shading Menu
  7. Shift O propotional editing pie menu
  8. Alt W opens the fallback tool menu
  9. F in sculpt mode opens the face set pie menue

Menu Short Cuts

  1. Ctrl N opens the new file menu
  2. Shift A opens the Add menu
  3. shift space opens the tools menu
  4. if you want to selected objects of different types use shift G
  5. for selecting linked objects use Shift L
  6. Shift M opens the Link Collection menu
  7. Q opens the quick favourites menu
  8. F3 opens the search menu
  9. F4 opens the File Menu at your cursor
  10. use ctrl P to set a parent or to open the set parent menu
  11. Alt P opens the clear parent Menu
  12. Ctrl A opens the Apply properties Menu
  13. Ctrl H hides and opens the hide collection menu
  14. Ctrl L opens the Link/transfer Menu for when you want to link object data
  15. Ctrl Shift O will open the recent projects Menu
  16. ctrl Shift G will open the Add selected to active collection Menu
  17. ctrl ALt G will open the remove from collection
  18. U in edit mode opens the unwrap menu
  19. P in edit mode opens the separate selected menu
  20. X in edit mode will open the delete menu
  21. M in edit mode opens the merge menu
  22. Alt E in edit mode opens the Extrude Menu
  23. Alt N in edit mode will open the normals Menu
  24. Alt M in edit mode will open the split menu
  25. Ctrl E in edit mode will open the edge menu
  26. Ctrl F in edit mode will open the face menu
  27. Ctrl V in edit mode will open the vertex menu
  28. ctrl G in edit mode will open the assign vertex group menu
  29. Ctrl H in edit mode will open the hooks menu
  30. E in sculpt mode opens the stroke method menu
  31. A in sculpt Mode opens the Mask Edit Menu

3d viewport shortcuts

  1. Home key will show all objects
  2. you can move through the different workspaces using ctrl page up or pagedown.
  3. you can also switch between different working areas using shift and all the F1 keys for different working areas.
  4. if you have a camera in your scene you can view through it using the 0 key on your number pad
  5. if you have more than one camera in your scene, you can set any camera you select as the main camera by using ctrl+0
  6. Ctrl +Num 0 will switch to camera view
  7. ctrl + Alt + 0 set current 3d view as camera view
  8. Ctrl alt Q opens and closes the quad view
  9. number keys 1,3,7 and 9 will switch between views, front, right, top and bottom, respectively. holding down ctrl when switching between views will give you the opposite of that view for example ctrl + 1 will give you the back view instead of the front, and ctrl+7 will give you the bottom view
  10. Numb Period/del the number pad period or del key will zoom to selected object
  11. while draging to change any property in the viewport for example moving objects, or rotating or scaling, you can hold Ctrl to snap in discrete steps
  12. if you want precision or really small incrememnts hold down Shift while changing values
  13. ctrl + o if you want to open a saved project file use Ctrl O
  14. ctrl S saves the current project
  15. Ctrl N creates a new project
  16. Ctrl Z undoes previous steps you made
  17. Ctrl Shift Z redoes the steps you have undone
  18. ctrl Q will exit blender
  19. F2 renames selected object
  20. Ctrl F2 will rename multiple objects
  21. F9, will let you edit previous properties you where editing, like if you rotate an object in the viewport, pressing F9 will bring back the rotation options
  22. F11 shows previous render
  23. F12 will render the current frame
  24. maximize or minimize the area you are working in with ctrl+ space
  25. ctrl alt space will togle fullscreen area
  26. use X to delete selected items, but you will get a confirmation box
  27. Delete will deletes selected items no confirmation box will open.
  28. use A to select all, this works in different editors as well
  29. Alt A, deselects everything
  30. H hides selected items
  31. shift H will hide all unselected objects
  32. Alt H reveals Hidden items
  33. T shows or hides toolbar
  34. N Shows or hides side bar
  35. Ctrl AccentGrave will show or hide the gizmos
  36. shift AccentGrave will start Walk/Fly Navigation.
  37. B is for box select
  38. C is for circle select
  39. Alt Z will toggle X ray
  40. / forward slash will isolate selected object
  41. Shift C will reset 3d cursor to the center
  42. Shift B zooms in using box selection
  43. shift C in othorgraphic your 3d view to view all objects
  44. shift Z can be used to toggle wireframe
  45. Ctrl G creates a new collection
  46. with Alt B you can clip the viewport and unclip it again using the same shortcut
  47. ctrl I will invert any selection

blender properties shortcuts

  1. colors and vectors are properties with more than one values so ctrl +c and ctrl V wont copy the entire property as you want for this use ctrl alt C and ctrl alt V
  2. if you are editing values for multiple objects, you can update them all at once by simply holding Alt as you change the value
  3. pressing backspace over any value will reset the values to default

object mode shortcuts

  1. The tab key is used to switch between edit and object modes
  2. ctrl+1 add subdivison surface level 1
  3. if you are in edit modes, keys 1, 2 and 3 can be used to select vertices, edges, and faces.
  4. if you want to see vertices, edges and faces at the same time, hold down Shift and press 1 then 2 and 3
  5. R to rotate R twice to rotate using a track ball
  6. shift w you can bend meshes in edit mode
  7. shift + r will repeat any actions you made previously
  8. Ctrl A will apply all transformations
  9. Alt A will Clear Rotation of selected objects
  10. Alt G will reset the location of selected objects to the center
  11. Alt S will reset the scale of the selected object to 1
  12. Ctrl J will join selected objects of the same type
  13. you can transform objects on there local axis by pressing the axis twice
  14. you can transform objects on a plane by pressing shift and the axis to exclude from the plane.
  15. Ctrl + C Ctrl+V are robust shortcut, you can use it to copy and paste any type of data, object or settings, you can use it to make copies of objects in the same project or paste into another blender project that is opened.
  16. remove parent by using Alt P
  17. shift D makes duplicates of any objects
  18. Alt D makes instances of objects that are linked
  19. you can move selected objects to a new collection by pressing M
  20. Ctrl M will mirror the selected object on the selected axis
  21. Ctrl . will toggle between object manipulation and object origin manipulation

Edit Mode shortcuts

  1. In edit mode you can merge vertises by pressing M
  2. You can Edge slide by press G twice
  3. you can extrude any geometry by using E
  4. fill faces using F
  5. Add a loop cut using Ctrl R and use the mouse wheel to add more cuts
  6. you can select loopcuts by using Alt select any edge.
  7. you can use ctrl Alt select to select edge or face rings.
  8. select multiple faces, edges, or vertices by holding down shift
  9. inset faces using I
  10. inset individual faces in a selection using II
  11. bevel edges and faces using Ctrl B
  12. bevel vertices using ctrl shift B
  13. make cuts in your meshes using K
  14. split selected faces from the rest of the mesh using Y
  15. V is used to rip edges from meshes
  16. Alt V is used is used to fill Rip
  17. if you have multiple Mesh pieces, you can use Ctrl L to select connected polygons
  18. use O to toggle propotional editing
  19. ctrl alt shift S will shear the object
  20. Alt S will shrink or flatten the object
  21. E is for Extrude
  22. Ctrl T will triangulate your mesh
  23. Alt J will untriangulated the mesh
  24. ctrl P in edit mode will make the vertex the parent of any selected object

Sculpt Mode

  1. R opens the voxel grid
  2. ctrl R is for voxel remeshing
  3. I opens the inflate brush
  4. P is for the pintch brush
  5. F sets the brush radius
  6. G is for the grab brush
  7. K is for the hook brush
  8. L is for the layer brush
  9. x is for the draw brush
  10. C is for the clay brush
  11. shift C is for the crease brush
  12. B for drawing masks using a box selection
  13. M is for drawing masks with a brush
  14. Shift A draws a circular mask from the cursor
  15. Shift W is for drawing colored masks
  16. Shift T is for the Flatten brush
  17. shift S opens the smooth brush
  18. Shift F is for setting the brush falloff
  19. Shift H is for hiding facets
  20. shift B is for zooming in
  21. Ctrl I is for mask flood fill
  22. Ctrl D is for using dynotopo

Animation shortcuts

  1. space bar is for playing the timeline and pausing it as well.
  2. shift + ctrl + Space plays timeline in reverse
  3. to quickly insert a keyframe at the current frame press I in the viewport to get a list of properties to key frame, or hover over any property and press I to record the current values on the timeline
  4. alternatively if you want to clear the keyframes at the current frame on the timeline use Alt I
  5. if you want to clear all keyframes of the selected object, use Shift Alt I
  6. drivers are use to change properties according to rules you set, if you want a quick way to add drivers move your mouse over the property and use the shortcut Ctrl D
  7. and you guessed it, to clear the driver of any property move your mouse over the property and, use Ctrl Alt D
  8. k is for creating a key set

Blender Text Editing shortcuts

  1. Home – Go to the beginning of the text
  2. End – Go to the ending of the text
  3. Left, Right – Move the cursor left or right one character at a time.
  4. Ctrl+Left, Ctrl+Right – Move the cursor left or right through an entire word
  5. Backspace, Delete –  Delete the characters
  6. Ctrl+Backspace, Ctrl+Delete – Deletes whole words
  7. Shift – Makes a selection while moving the cursor and holding the key.
  8. Ctrl+A – Selects the entire text
  9. Ctrl+C – Copies the selected text
  10. Ctrl+X – Cuts the selected text
  11. Ctrl+V – Pastes the text at the position of the cursor

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