Making grape fruits in blender
This is a good beginner tutorial as it introduces key parts of blender that are used for different things, we shall look at using the particle system particularly the hair system, modifiers and a few modeling techniques.
Key steps in modeling a grape fruit
- First add a plane, in edit mode select all vertices and merge then into one,
- extrude this vertex into a brunch looking stick that will hold the grapes
- select the tips of each brunch and create a new vertex group, we only the grapes to be at the tips
- assign the selected vertices to the vertex group you created
- navigate to the particle system and add a new hair particle system
- change the source emit from option to vertices, so the hair particles can show
- you can also check advanced to get more settings, to control the rotation,
- in the rotation settings which will only be available if you have advanced on, change orientation to normal and add some randomization
- in the particle render setting switch from path to object we now need a grape model to be our particle instance
- you can model a single grape from a cylinder or subdivided cube,
- you can also randomize the scale of each instance using the random scale option in the particle render setting
- now lets give some thickness to our stick, go to the modifiers and add a skin modifier
- if you want to reduce the radius of the stick, select all vertices or the vertex you want to change and use Ctrl + A to adjust the radius
Key modifiers used
- Skin modifier to easily add skin or thickness to the grape brunch/stick
- subdivision surface to smooth the stick
- particle system to instance the grapes on the stick
key shortcuts used:
- Ctrl+ A: when you have a skin modifier on an object in edit mode this short cut will let you adjust the thickness of the skin
- Ctrl + LMB: when you have a vertex selected, you can extrude it to the clicked area
Materials and settings screenshots: